Saturday 22 February 2014

Will Fox Star revive Kamal Haasan Marudhanayagam?

Marudhanayagam kamalWill Fox Star revive Kamal Haasan Marudhanayagam?

Producer and Head of Producer’s Council, Keyar speaking at the Cuckoo audio launch, has requested Fox Star India to produce Kamal Haasan’s dream project, Marudhanayagam, which was put in cold storage several years ago owing to financial crises. Keyar was in full praise for the Ulaga Nayagan and Padma Bhushan winner.

He also said that Kamal would have ruled the Hollywood if he was born in a Western country. The fans are also eagerly hoping that Kamal’s dream project would kick start again. Will Fox Star take up the mega budget period flick? The period film, which revolves around the life of the 18th century warrior Mohammad Yusuf Khan, was expected to release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and English. Though the film kick-started in 1997, it was shelved due to various reasons.

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